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Dirol Party Runner


Art-direction, design

Project type

digital, promo campaign, game creation

The chewing gum brand Dirol has launched the game "Dirol Party Runner" on the VK Mini Apps platform. In it, users will be able to create the perfect space for a party, and the points earned in the app can be exchanged for unique stickers from Dirol and the social network VKontakte. The game was developed by the agencies Saatchi&Saatchi Russia and Digitas in collaboration with VKontakte.

The game has so caught the audience that in six months, users have sent almost a million valid codes. The new campaign is a logical continuation of the brand’s communication with the audience with the help of a beloved hero.

The campaign was inspired by popular games: we wanted to make the characters look like Fortnite skins or Beyond Good & Evil characters.
Each new character has its own concept and unique legend. We have also come up with five unique worlds for the most refined connoisseurs of exotic and fashionable parties.

Agency: Saatchi&Saatchi

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